Sunday, December 19, 2010

Random Christmassy Stuff...

The combined lung power of 18 Vietnamese eleven year olds is roughly equivalent to the decibel level of a major British football match. Seriously, I have never known a game of Pin The Nose On Rudolph get so ear-splittingly loud... But at least, unlike their Japanese and Italian counterparts, they were shouting 'up/down/forwards/backwards' in English, amidst the screams...

Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer actually succeeded in raising a laugh from my 13 year old Advanced class. A Christmas Miracle...

Kiri's Angry Elf roleplay worked so well that the Elves and the Reindeer nearly came to blows in my Elites class tonight...

And all this despite my habitual Christmas amnesia. Yes, that's right. Every year I forget its Christmas. In spite of all the Christmas lesson planning going on around me in the staffroom, I always seem not to notice until suddenly I realize today is the last lesson before Christmas and I'm totally unprepared - no cards, no sweets, no glitter... nothing. 

At least this year I have the excuse of the mush my brain has turned into in panic about the AC job interview I've got on Tuesday, and all the stuff I need to do before Rachel arrives later the same day - have a horrible feeling she may object to there being no food whatsoever in the house...

And finally, seen on a cart on the front of a motorbike being driven past school tonight - a fully decorated Christmas Tree complete with working fairy lights.

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